Born October 28, 1999. Adopted December 19, 2009. Died February 20, 2011.
When we brought you home, we were worried. Then you took that first treat from us, however hesitantly, and that was the beginning. We grew together, the four of us intertwined like vines in a garden. We loved and laughed and rubbed heads, bellies and ears (especially the ears). We gave you everything we had, and you gave us more.
You were taken away from us much too early, but every moment with you will be treasured, relived, relished and remembered. You were a gift from God to us. You were rescued by others, and we thought we came to finish the rescue. But instead, you rescued us. You died in our arms much loved and now, much missed. We will never forget you.
-Bernard Poskus, Cheryl Blehm-Poskus and Zeke (the Pug) Poskus