Furry Friends Meet and Greet

Furry Friends Retail Store and Dog Wash 3586 C Hartsel Dr. (Woodmen/Lexington), Colorado Springs, CO, United States

New Date – Poker for Pugs

Brewski's Pub & Grill 2100 E. 104th Ave., Thornton, CO, United States

Check-in is at 11:00 a.m. Play begins at noon. There is a $50 buy in with re-buys for 4 hours. Want $5000 in extra chips? Reserve a seat in advance by e-mailing luvapugjf@comcast.net This activity is being independently organized as … Continue reading


Meet and Greet

Chuck & Don's Pet Food Outlet - Aurora 6380 S. Parker Rd., Suite 107, Aurora, CO, United States

Furry Friends Meet and Greet

Furry Friends Retail Store and Dog Wash 3586 C Hartsel Dr. (Woodmen/Lexington), Colorado Springs, CO, United States

Denver County Fair

National Western Complex 4655 Humboldt St., Denver, CO, United States

Times vary by date as follows: 7/29: 4 pm - 9 pm 7/30: 10 am - 8 pm 7/31: 10 am - 6 pm Advance Tickets can be purchased through the Denver County Fair website. Advance prices are $10 for … Continue reading

Meet and Greet

Chuck & Don's Pet Food Outlet - Aurora 6380 S. Parker Rd., Suite 107, Aurora, CO, United States

Denver Pet Expo

Denver Merchandise Mart 451 E 58th Ave., Denver, CO, United States

Times vary by date as follows: 8/20: 10 am - 6 pm 8/21: 11 am - 4 pm

Pugs in the Park

Central Park 8801 E. Martin Luther King Blvd., Denver, CO, United States