Colorado Pug Rescue (CPR) is an all volunteer organization established in 1995 by members of a Denver-area pug dog club who were concerned about the welfare of their breed. CPR works to recover pugs from private relinquishments, shelters, and other sources throughout Colorado and in surrounding states. We network with surrounding states to rescue, medically and emotionally treat, and place pug dogs. CPR maintains a five-member board of directors, several committees and a number of foster homes.

CPR is:

• Dedicated to the welfare of pug dogs
• Incorporated as a nonprofit organization – 501(c)(3)
• Licensed by the State of Colorado as an animal rescue organization
• Operated solely by volunteers
• Affiliated with the Rocky Mountain Pug Dog Club

Half Price!

The winners and runners up in Colorado Pug Rescue’s sixteenth annual photo contest appear on the pages of this glossy 8 1/2 x 11″ wall calendar. The calendars are now $10 apiece plus tax and postage. All proceeds go to Colorado Pug Rescue for the medical care of our foster pugs. Go here to order.

King Soopers Cards

In 2024, 194 households triggered over $6,400 in donations to Colorado Pug Rescue. The donations cost them nothing. They simply linked their King Soopers, City Market, or other Kroger loyalty card to Colorado Pug Rescue. A portion of the total transaction amount for every linked card is donated to us. Won’t you join them? For sign up information, please visit

Spark Good customers and Walmart app users can choose to round up their purchase total to the nearest dollar at checkout for a donation to Colorado Pug Rescue through the Walmart Spark Good program. To participate, please sign up and select us here.

Upcoming Events


Volunteer to help with a variety of tasks and/or to be a foster home. Please click here for more information.

CPR Volunteers

If you are a CPR volunteer, click here to access the forms and documents you need.