We owe a debt of gratitude to the countless donors who have helped us throughout the years with contributions of services and/or financial support. Simply click on the links below to see the long list of donors. Please don’t hesitate to Contact Us if anyone you know is missing from a list.

All Donors

Veterinary Support

In Memory of Kasi Thoele

In Memory of Madeline Baharlou-Quivey

In Memory of Gabby Cropper

In Memory of Tracee Coad

In Memory of Patrice Kopelman

In Memory of Jeff Randle

In Memory of Linda Evans

In Memory of Kelli Ashpole Klepper

In Memory of Tara Andrich

Other Special Donations

In Honor or Memory of Pets

Augie’s Donors


Access additional pages by pointing your cursor to the bottom of the box.

General Donations

General Donations – 2018

General Donations – 2017

General donations – 2016

General Donations – 2015

General Donations – 2014

General Donations – 2013

General Donations – 2012

General Donations – 2011

Royalyn L. Allen
Kay Andrews
Diane A. Andrich
Kate Atkin
Judy Baily
Paul BaryBuddy, Puggles
Karen BauerDozer
Andrew Been
Victoria and Timothy Berge
Marisa Borders
Rebecca Braverman
Melani Brewer
Desiree Bridgman
James & Janet Bronstine
Ginny Brown
Jon & Karen Burgess
Diana Jo BurnsDozer
Adina Burrows
Ellie Callihan
Paul Cameron
Canvas and Cocktails, Inc.
Tiffany Chavez
Diana Chennault
Stephanire Chodera
Carol Clay
Christin C. Cleaver
Mandy Comeau
Kristy Connolly
Linda CornAncho, Puggles
Julie L. Cornett
Nannina Costantini
Crazy Tale, Inc.
Julie Crowther
Debra Davis
Grant & Marta Day
DCP Midstream
Hidie Dean
Christine Dimitry
Kyla Duffy
Maren Eckert
El Paso Corporation
Debra Emmett
Mary Enwall
David & Judith Fields
Wayne D. Flemming
Kristin Frey
Melinda FryePuggles
Ryan Gallaher
Anna Gardner
Carol Gatti
Virginia Geiger
Kari Genevese
Nadine Glemba
Lisa Gonzalez
Dee Gottschalk
Carla & Michael GriffinPuggles
Lisa Gyger
MJ Hall
Sarah Hameister
Happy Tails Books
Carie L. HarrisPuggles
Megan Haskins
Shelley C. Heard-Williamson
Jennifer Hedrick
Melanie & Nels Hendrickson
Denise Hennessey
Marcia Henning
Kimberly Henry
Amy Herbert
Heather Hodshire
Darcy Holloway
Lauri Holloway
Joan HolmesPuggles
Rebecca HoodPuggles, Ancho, general donation
Dave Hurley
Import Warehouse
Catherine & Samuel Jay
April JohnsonDozer
Stephen F. JonesPuggles
Karen Kaminski
Lindsey Katapski
Kristin Kelley
Maryann King
Susan Kunz
Sasha Kurbegov
Michele & Raymond LamAncho, Meilo, Puggles,
Alison D. Lambert
'Berta LandinWilson, Lester
Patricia S. Lanning
Kristine K. LapehnCinnamon, Cocoa, Skittles, Bon Bon, Joey, AJ, Tigger,
Pete Lee
Kimberly Lemere
Jill Leslie
Francine LiebermanPuggy
Wendy B. Linder
Maechele Long
Bruce Main
Sallie MartiPuggles, Ancho
Melanie Martz
Evelyn V. Masaitis
Dawn McCallum
Karl McDowellPuggles
Alan Peter McGuire
Katie McKie
Nadine Merry
David Miller
Tom Wilkinson

General Donations – 2010

Half Price!

The winners and runners up in Colorado Pug Rescue’s sixteenth annual photo contest appear on the pages of this glossy 8 1/2 x 11″ wall calendar. The calendars are now $10 apiece plus tax and postage. All proceeds go to Colorado Pug Rescue for the medical care of our foster pugs. Go here to order.

King Soopers Cards

In 2024, 194 households triggered over $6,400 in donations to Colorado Pug Rescue. The donations cost them nothing. They simply linked their King Soopers, City Market, or other Kroger loyalty card to Colorado Pug Rescue. A portion of the total transaction amount for every linked card is donated to us. Won’t you join them? For sign up information, please visit www.kingsoopers.com/i/community/community-rewards

Spark Good

Walmart.com customers and Walmart app users can choose to round up their purchase total to the nearest dollar at checkout for a donation to Colorado Pug Rescue through the Walmart Spark Good program. To participate, please sign up and select us here.

Upcoming Events


Volunteer to help with a variety of tasks and/or to be a foster home. Please click here for more information.

CPR Volunteers

If you are a CPR volunteer, click here to access the forms and documents you need.